chemical engineering

[ˈkemikəl ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ]
  • 释义
  • 化学工程;化工;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Major in Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, and Biochemistry or related technical field.

    化学工程, 生化工程和生物化学专业以及相关技术领域.

  • 2、

    Aloe Vera is widely used in chemical engineering, medicine, cosmetology, health care, food and other fields.

    芦荟及其制品已在化工 、 医药 、 美容 、 保健 、 食品等领域广为应用.

  • 3、

    This text proceeded the total condition of the country chemical engineering industry well of analysis.


  • 4、

    Our customers can be found in petroleum chemical engineering, fertilizer, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, and decoration industry.

    “双金”牌不锈钢材料是我们的主打产品,客户遍布石油化工 、 化肥 、 冶金 、 机械制造 、 装饰装潢等行业.

  • 5、

    Grey theory and uniform design are investigated to be novel techniques for chemical engineering proceed.


  • 6、

    I work in the Chemical Engineering Construction Company . ( Construction Department, Inspection Section ).

    我在化工建设公司 ( 施工部 、 检查科 ) 工作.

  • 7、

    Tower is a important chemical engineering mass transfer equipment.


  • 8、

    Plasma technology is an abnormal instrumentality for chemical engineering and brings new vital force.


  • 9、

    Some of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of transfer.


  • 10、

    Over 1 year chemical engineering or chemistry disciplines background.


  • 11、

    Welded pressure vessels are widely used in modem energy, power machinery and chemical engineering industries.

    焊接压力容器是能源 、 动力、化工等工业中广泛使用的主要容器形式.

  • 12、

    Mr. Camarta holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta.


  • 13、

    Computer can help us do lots of calculation in learning, studying and developing chemical engineering unit.

    在化工单元的学习 、 研究和设计过程中有很多的计算需要计算机来完成.

  • 14、

    The article introduces principal knowledge of EXCEL and the application in chemical engineering calculation.

    介绍了EXCEL的 基本知识以及其中的求解工具在化工计算中的实际应用.

  • 15、

    Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry or closely related major.

    大学本科学历, 高分子化学, 化学工程及相关专业.

  • 16、

    Principle of Chemical Engineering is an application course with the focuses of practicality and engineering.


  • 17、

    Principle and Application of Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.


  • 18、

    ChIN is a accessed navigating site of chemistiy and chemical engineering resources.


  • 19、

    And put forward to resolve friendly problem in environment and chemical engineering industries keep on developping.


  • 20、

    Over 1 year chemical engineering or chemistry operation disciplines background. Above technical secondary school is required.

    超过一年化学工业操作经验. 学历要求技术中专以上.

  • 21、

    Molecular dynamics simulation plays an important role in chemical engineering and material science in recent years.


  • 22、

    Major in chemical engineering or related.


  • 23、

    Filler absorbing tower is an important unit operation in chemical engineering.


  • 24、

    The chemical engineering is the primary industry of the national economy.


  • 25、

    The procedure and content of acceptance check for chemical engineering construction project are introduced systematically.


  • 26、

    The evolution of chemical engineering science and undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum has been introduced.


  • 27、

    Further applications of charged membrane to the ocean chemical engineering are prospected, and suggestions are proposed.


  • 28、

    The factory is to engage in chemical engineering machinery and equipment of professional production plant.

